

“In my food world, there is no fear or guilt, only joy and balance.”
Ellie Krieger

Are you vegan?

That’s the question I always get asked when people find out that I have my own whole food plant-based YouTube cooking channel and food blog. Before I answer that question for you, I’d like to say a few things.

First, have a look at the name of this website — It’s not “Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle” or Eat a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet or We Can’t be Friends. It’s “Whole Food Plant-Based Recipes.

What’s the point? The point is that this site is about cooking delicious, healthy food that contributes to well being and happiness by keeping us looking and feeling good — it’s not about being attached to any social or political lifestyle movement — or any particular diet. Who want’s to be identified as a person by what they eat? …not me!

So, am I vegan? Nope!

What about whole food plant-based? Nope!

You must have an opinion on the WFPB Vs Meat Eater debate, right? Nope!

I think people should do whatever they want, and I’m quite happy minding my own damn business. And, for the most part, I think everybody else should do the same. As far as what I think about eating habits, I can tell you this…

Somebody asked me once why I would deprive myself of wonderful things like butter and cheese and fried chicken. Here is my simple answer…

If my time was up and the hangman offered me one last meal, I would order up an extra-large, extra cheese, double pepperoni pizza with a whole bowl of Ranch dressing to dip it in! And I’d wash it all down with a 12-pack of ice cold beer–and I’d die a happy (drunk) man!

My Last Meal!

I can tell you something else, though, too. I know from experience that if I eat that extra-large, extra cheese, double pepperoni pizza with a whole bowl of Ranch dressing–and wash it down with a 12-pack of beer, I’ll being feeling pretty fat and bloated, and all I’ll want to do afterwards is lay back on the couch and moan about my aching belly!

That’s not a nice feeling!

And if I continue to eat like that on a regular basis, even on a much smaller scale, I know that I’m going to become obese and lethargic, encourage diseases, and basically just feel like crap! ..and I’m not into feeling like crap. On the contrary, I love to feel “light” and healthy and energetic, and to the extent that those things can be controlled, I can control them by eating healthy whole plant-based foods.

No offense to this guy! Hope he’s a happy dude!

To put it another way, I think that all the meat and dairy and fried foods are kind of like tequila! They’re fun as hell to knock back, but after a while they start to give you a headache! And those headaches, if ignored, can lead to bigger headaches –like cirrhosis of the liver!

That being said, I’m not going to banish wine and filet Mignon for eternity, damming them and those who don’t preach of their evilness. I’m just going to do my best to eat as many whole food plant-based meals as I have time to prepare–doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a shot of tequila and a quesadilla on Cinco de Mayo. Here’s a good video that I think offers a balanced and approachable take on the subject.

Thank you for reading

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